“Birmingham Youngster Finds Comfort in Returning to School After Brain Tumor Surgery

“Birmingham Youngster Finds Comfort in Returning to School After Brain Tumor Surgery



The mother of a young person diagnosed with a rare brain tumor at the age of 10 says that after surgery, returning to school has brought peace to her child.

Doctors initially thought that Honey’s leg pain was increasing, but her mother, Jolie, said, “My mother’s intuition was telling me that there is more to it.”

Honey was informed last year that the tumor had grown, and surgery was performed to remove it.



The 15-year-old girl from Birmingham returned to school this month, and Jolie said she wishes to return to a sense of normalcy.

Her mother said, “To see her, you wouldn’t know what Honey has been through.”

Jolie, 36, revealed that her daughter was tested from the age of six, but after four years of testing, doctors found nothing wrong, and they believed it was just growing pains.

“It got to the point where Honey was limping because walking was really painful at times,” she stated.

My mother’s intuition was telling me that there is more to it.”

“Honey was tested at the age of 10, and after five years of stable scans, it was discovered that her tumor, called cerebellar pontine angle ependymoma, had grown.”Jolie said that doctors informed them that Honey had the tumor when she was in the womb, which she finds frightening

“If the tumor had not been found, Honey could have been left with irreparable conditions, and our story could have been very different.”

In January, two months after surgery, the 10-year-old student returned to school on time to participate in her mock GCSEs.

Her mother said they are happy that Honey is back, especially in drama, which is her favorite subject.

She stated “To see her, you wouldn’t know what Honey has been through.”

“We feel fortunate that she can return to school and live the life that you expect for a 15-year-old.”

In February, Jolie will participate in the Brain Tumor Research’s ‘10,000 Steps a Day’ challenge to raise funds for charity.

She added, “This heart-stopping brain tumor kills children and adults in any other cancer battle under the age of 40. I am determined to be part of the solution.



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